
    Programele și concursurile organizate de CCDG în România:

    (Pentru detalii dați click pe siglă sau titlu) 


    Programul Eco Scoala



    Programul LeAF



    Programul YRE



    Programul Green Key



    Programul Blue Flag


    CCDG - Presentation


    The Carpathian Danubian Centre for Geoecology (CCDG)

    a full member of  the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

    About FEE

    FEE is an umbrella organisation of NGOs with members in 76 countries worldwide, working to promote positive actions based on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) through its five programmes: Eco-Schools, Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) and Learning about Forests (LEAF), Blue Flag and Green Key. FEE is internationally recognised by various UN organisations as a leading organisation promoting and implementing ESD.

    FEE has its own celebration called Global Action Days which promotes the fantastic work that is being done in all countries by all programmes. The slogan: Together we can be united globally in one day of positive action!

    The International Head Office of FEE is located in Copenhagen, Denmark with currently eleven staff members. For more information about FEE and its programmes please refer to FEE runs all its business in English.

    Eco-Schools (ES) is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world involving more than 15 million students. The programme aims to empowering students to be the change our sustainable world needs by engaging them in fun, action-orientated learning.

    In 2018 the program operates in 67 countries.

    Number of schools involved: 52.708, of which 17.418 hold the Green Flags.

    Number of students involved: 19.507.051

    Number of teachers involved: 1.391.598

    Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) is a network of international youth, 11-21 years, engaged in environmental journalism and Education for Sustainable Development. The goal of YRE Programme is to involve students in solving environmental problems, through which they will better understand the issues of sustainable development and will become more accountable in their actions. YRE operates in almost 30 countries.

    In 2018 the program operates in 34 countries.

    Number of schools involved: 696

    Number of students involved: 310.000

    Number of teachers involved: 13.595

    Learning About Forests (LeAF) it is a global education program for the environment, that proposes replacing the classroom with nature by developing lessons in the woods and making students aware of the responsibility they have to nature. It addresses groups of students of any age, coordinated by teachers from 26 countries around the world.

    In 2018, the program operates in 26 countries.

    Number of schools involved: 6.672

    Number of students involved: 600.000

    Number of teachers involved: 10.424


    Green Key is an international program, recognized and supported by the World Tourism Organization and UNEP (United Nations Environment Program). This prestigious eco-label represents the commitment of businesses that their tourism establishments adhere to the strict criteria as stipulated by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

    In 2018, the program operates in 57 countries.

    Number of award-winning Green Key Hotels: 2.800

    The Blue Flag Programme is under the guidance of the Foundation for Environmental Education and is a world-renowned eco-label entrusted by millions of people around the world. In order to qualify for this prestigious award, a set of strict environmental, education, safety and access criteria must be met and maintained. To achieve Blue Flag certification, strict environmental, education, safety and accessibility criteria must be respected and maintained.

    In 2017, the program operates in 45 countries.

    Number of beaches and ports awarded with Blue Flag: 4.423


    About CCDG

    The Carpathian Danubian Centre for Geoecology (CCDG) runs all five FEE programs.

    1. Developing the Eco-Schools Program in over 300 schools (year 2018).

    2. In 2017, we registered 412 schools in the LeAF Program, with 977 coordinating teachers enrolled with so many projects.

    3. In the school year 2016/2017, we registered 16 schools in the YRE Program, with a total of 69 projects (32 articles, 15 videos and 22 photos enrolled in the competition). In the competition, the International Jury awarded several awards:

    For article section: 2 mentions at the 11-14 years category; 1 mention at the 19-21 years category.

    For photo section: 1st prize at the 11-14 years category; 1st prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize at the 15-18 years category.
    1. Four beaches have run the Blue Flag Program (one in the pilot phase and three have been awarded the International Jury Certification).

    2. Two Romanian hotels were awarded the Green Key label.

    Other projects developed by CCDG in Romania are:


    1. The Annual Eco-Photo - a competition that encourages participants to render in images the positive aspects of the environment.

    2. Environmental Education Partnership - a collection of articles related to environmental topics.


    1. The Green Day of Eco-Schools in Romania – encouraging volunteers to organize planting activities in order to revitalize green spaces.


    1. The National Competition "Valuing the Waste, We Save the Environment and our Health" – mobilizes schools to save resources and use them in a responsible manner.

    2. The "Friends of the Forest" National Contest – offers children the opportunity to express their feelings of appreciation to the forest through drawings.

    3. The "Eco-site" National Contest - invites teachers to disseminate activities with students on the CCDG's website


    Environmental Education Partnership - a collection of articles related to environmental topics made by teachers

    The Brochure Better for you, better for the environment!

    We Eat Responsible Methodology:

    For Teachers: 7 Steps to Responsible Food Consumption,

    For Students: Menu for Change

    Materials for schools and teachers:

    POSTERS: The LeAF Program (2017), We Eat Responsible Project (2015, 2016, 2017)

    BANNERS: The Eco-Schools Program (2017), We Eat Responsible Project (2015, 2016, 2017)


    You can learn more about CCDG at

    Despre CCDG

    CCDG este o organizaţie neguvernamentalǎ ce furnizează programe educaţionale de calitate, în  scopul unui mediu sustenabil.

    Obiectivul nostru este de a oferi programe care promovează relaţii durabile între copii, adulţi şi mediul înconjurător, realizând că educaţia eficientă trebuie să se extindă dincolo de sala de clasă şi că principiile de ecologie, justiţie şi egalitate trebuie să fie evidente la toate nivelurile societǎţii.

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    • Str. Barbu Lăutaru, Nr. 8, BL. 23, SC. B, Parter, AP. 56, sector 1, Bucureşti


    • e-mail: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
    • mobil: 0731.713.714

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