Copenhagen 8 September 2016 – The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is holding its biennial General Assembly on 15-16 September in Ahmedabad, India. At the assembly sessions, member organisations from 75 countries will be discussing the most recent developments in FEE and elect their new President and Board of Directors. The General Assembly is arranged and hosted by the Centre for Environment Education (CEE) India, FEE’s Associate Member in India. The first two assembly sessions will be addressing the latest developments and strategic planning for FEE and its five programmes, whilst at the Members’ Forum sessions, members will have the opportunity to join workshops on the implementation of programmes, projects and campaigns. 15 new organisations are to be confirmed as members of FEE. The FEE President is elected every four years and the Board of Directors every two. Following the nomination procedure, a new President and Board of Directors will be elected for the period 2016- 2020 and 2016-2018 respectively. The coming General Assembly will herald the end of an era with the retirement of Jan Eriksen. Current president and a member of FEE for over 26 years, Jan has steered the organisation through some its most demanding periods of transition and growth and is leaving it as the globally recognised and respected organisation that you know today: a fitting testament to his diligence and commitment to FEE over the years. The assembly will be followed by the CEE Conference on ‘Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for Transforming Education for Children and Youth’, to take place on 16–18 September 2016. The Conference aims at bringing together global experience and expertise to highlight and strengthen the role of ESD. About the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) With members in 75 countries around the world, FEE’s programmes represent the cutting edge in Education for Sustainable Development and Environmental Education. It is the vision of the Foundation for Environmental Education that its programmes empower people everywhere to live sustainably and in an environmentally conscious manner.
PENTRU Global Action Days – LeAF – (21 martie) inscrierea se face ORICÂND, pe site-ul international:
Postarea activitatii se face individual, de catre fiecare profesor, pe
Activitatea postata trebuie sa fie una realizata in CURSUL LUNII MARTIE 2016.
Dupa ce primim link-ul cu activitatea postata, vom lua in considerare inscrierea si, la finalul anului scolar, profesorul va primi o diploma de voluntar GAD, pe e-mail.
Raportul pentru actiunea din 21 sept. 2015 - PROIECTUL PLANT A TREE FOR PEACE - se poate depune pe noul site al Programului LeAF:
Plantați un copăcel de ZIUA VERDE A ECO-ȘCOLILOR DIN ROMÂNIA - 29.10.2024, la orele 12:00! În acest mod veți participa la ZIUA DE ACȚIUNE A VOLUNTARILOR CCDG, iar copiii / elevii vor înțelege importanța implicării directe în dezvoltarea spațiilor verzi de care avem atâta nevoie. Succes în activitatea dumneavoastră de apărători ai mediului!
CCDG este o organizaţie neguvernamentalǎ ce furnizează programe educaţionale de calitate, în scopul unui mediu sustenabil.
Obiectivul nostru este de a oferi programe care promovează relaţii durabile între copii, adulţi şi mediul înconjurător, realizând că educaţia eficientă trebuie să se extindă dincolo de sala de clasă şi că principiile de ecologie, justiţie şi egalitate trebuie să fie evidente la toate nivelurile societǎţii.
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